Male/Female Roles

1. Christianity lays out differing roles for men and women in the Church and in the home:

A. There is so much opposition to this that even a lot of Christians have capitulated.

B. Many others who do believe it are afraid to speak out.

2. Despite what the feminists say there are differences between men and women:

A. Men tend to think in a linear fashion. A,B,C,D conclusion.

B. Women tend to think relationally.

C. One is not better than the other. They are meant to complement each other.

D. Men get their primary identity and self worth through their work.

E. Women get their primary identity and self worth through their family.

F. A man’s primary drive is to supply for his family with nurturing being important but secondary.

G. A woman’s primary drive is to nurture her family with supplying their needs being important but secondary.

H. A man’s desire is to conquer, slay the wild beast, and bring home the bacon.

I. The woman is the one who gets pregnant, bonds with the baby even while it is still in the womb, and then has been given the breasts to feed the child.

J. She has the stronger desire to have a home and a sense of security.

K. The woman civilizes the man, and the man protects the woman.

2. Since the fall, and because of sin, someone must be designated to lead the household:

A. Since man was created first, and the woman later as a helpmate for him, the man has been designated to lead.

3. The Church puts men in the primary places of authority:

A. God represents himself by the use of the male pronoun, and gives to us his only begotten Son. The Holy Spirit is also designated with the male pronoun.

B. The Old Testament was very patriarchal with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jacob’s twelve sons.

C. In the Old Testament only men were allowed to be priests.

D. In the New Testament God’s only begotten Son became a man.

E. Jesus chose twelve disciples all of which were male.

F. Only men were designated to be bishops, priests, and deacons.

4. The bishop/priest represents Christ to the congregation:

A. If you have a female bishop/priest then Christ is represented as a female.

B. The Church is designated to be the bride of Christ. If Christ is represented as a female and his Church her bride then spiritually a lesbian relationship is set up.

C. This will tend to work itself out in the material world as an acceptance of homosexuality and/or the effeminizing of men.

D. This is best seen in certain Protestant churches that have female pastors.

5. Another consequence of female bishops/priests is either to begin to represent God as a female or at the very least gender neutral:

A. Since God created man first and designated him to be the leader, if he represented himself as a female men would tend not to respect his authority.

B. If he represented himself as gender neutral we would tend not to see him as a personal being.