First Seven Councils

Council of Nicaea (318)
The Divinity of Christ was defended, and the first part of the Creed was written. They said if you say there was a then when he was not, and before he was begotten he was not, and he came from things that were not or from another hypostasis you are anathema. Because some were kneeling on Sunday and during the season of Pentecost the Council said to offer prayers standing.

First Council of Constantinople (381)
The divinity of the Holy Spirit was defended. There was an addition to the Creed without the Filioque. Jerusalem was called the mother of all churches.

Canon 2
Diocesan bishops are not to intrude in churches beyond their boundaries.

Canon 3
Because it is new Rome Constantinople is to enjoy privileges of honor after the Bishop of Rome.

Canon 7
When anointed with Holy Chrism say, “Seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit.” On the first day we make them Christians, on the second catechumens, on the third we exorcise them by breathing three times into their faces and ears, and thus we catechize them and make them spend time in Church and listen to scriptures, and then we baptize them.

Council of Ephesus (413)
The Nestorians were condemned. The Council called Mary mother and/or birth giver of God, and anathematized all who did not confess this. No one was permitted to compose any other Creed than the one at Nicaea. If they did they were anathematized.

Council of Chalcedon (451)
They declared Christ to be in two natures and one person. The Nicean/Constantinoplian Creed is complete. The Nicene Creed is inviolate and Constantinople’s addition is ratified. No one is to produce any other creed or to think or teach otherwise. If you do then you are anathematized. The fathers accorded prerogatives to Rome because it was the imperial city. There would now be equal prerogatives to New Rome because it is also an imperial power, and in enjoying privileges equal to Old Rome it should be elevated to her level in ecclesiastical affairs and take second place after her.

Second Council of Constantinople (553)
This council dealt with the Monophysite heresy. To be judged anathema was to be separated from God. The scripture about the “Gates of Hell not prevailing against the Church” deals with heretics. Mary is mentioned as holy and ever virgin. If you don’t confess Mary to be mother/birth giver of God you are anathema.

Third Council of Constantinople (680-81)
This council dealt with the Monothelete heresy. It reaffirmed the Creed without the Filioque, and said Honorius Pope of Old Rome was guilty of the Monothelete heresy.

Second Council of Nicaea (787)
This council reaffirmed the use of icons in the Church. They gathered to neither diminish nor augment but simply to guard all that pertains to the Church. In the Church there are anathemas, suspensions, and excommunications.