Duet. 22:20 – The whore is put to death.
Lev. 20:10, Duet. 22:22 – Adulterers and adulteress put to death.
Lev. 20:13 – The sodomite is put to death.
Duet. 23:17 – There shall be no sodomite in Israel.
Lev. 18:22 – A sodomite is an abomination.
Ex. 22:16 – The fornicator must marry.
Ex. 21:22 – Death for killing the unborn.
Ex. 21:17, Lev. 20:9 – Death for cursing parents.
Ex. 21:15 – Death for smiting parents.
Duet. 21:18 – The rebellious son must die.
Ex. 22:7; 22:2-4 – The thief must pay back double.
Ex. 21:12 – Death for the murderer.
Ex. 21:16 – Death for kidnapping.
Heb. 13:4 – Marriage is honorable, but the whoremonger and adulterer God will judge.
Duet. 17:8-13 – If you won’t obey a sentence then you will be put to death.
Duet. 22:25 – Rapist must die.
Duet. 22:5 – Don’t wear opposite sexes clothes.
Ps. 19:7 – The Law is perfect converting the soul.
1 Tim. 8:11 – The law is for sinners.
Gal. 3:24-25 – The law is our schoolmaster.
Rom. 3:20 – By law is the knowledge of sin.
Rom. 7:7 – We had not known sin but by the law.
Jn. 16:8 – The Holy Spirit comes to reprove the world of sin, righteousness and judgment.
Is. 26:9-10 – Judgments are in the earth so the people will learn righteousness.
Matt. 15:4-6 – Jesus agrees to the death penalty.
Num. 35:15-25, 30-35 – Murder vs. accidental killing.
Lev. 24:16 – Blasphemy = death.
Duet. 21:15-17 – Polygamy.