Jn. 8:44 – Certain Jew’s father is the Devil.
Jn. 8:55 – Jesus called people liars.
Matt. 15:26 – He called a woman a dog.
Matt. 23:23-39 – He called them hypocrites, serpents, and vipers.
Matt. 17:17; Lk. 9:41 – He said they were a faithless and perverse generation.
Lk. 24:25 – Jesus called them fools and slow of heart.
Matt. 16:23 – He called Peter Satan.
Jn. 6:70 – Jesus said one of his disciples was a devil.
Lk. 11:40 – Fools.
Lk. 11:44 – Hypocrites.
Ps. 22:16 – Dogs have encompassed me.
Is. 56:10-11 – All are dumb dogs.
Matt. 7:6 – Don’t give what is holy to the dogs.
Phil. 3:2 – Beware of dogs.